
Occupy, Resist, Produce - RiMaflow

Occupy, Resist, Produce - RiMaflow

A Film by Dario Azzellini and Oliver Ressler

RiMaflow, Milan, Italy

Left Forum, John Jay College, New York City, Saturday, May 31, 2014

Everyday Revolutions

Everyday Revolutions
Chaired by Leina Bocar; with Dario Azzellini, Diego Ibañez, Marina Sitrin

Translation into Bosnian of the article "Workers’ control at Fralib: the brand with the Elephant" published on roarmag, May 1, 2014

Radnička Borba: Okupacija tvornica u Francuskoj

Kada je velika multinacionalna kompanija Unilever zatvorila tvornicu čaja na jugu Francuske radnici su okupirali svoju fabriku

U Francuskoj postoje dva slučaja oživjelih tvornica koje su okupirali radnici tokom krize. Jedna je Pipla Ice Cream Factory, koja je upravo počela proizvoditi organski sladoled i jogurt kao tvornica koju vode i čiji su vlasnici radnici, nakon dugotrajne borbe. Druga je Fralib Tea Factory. Obje su bili zatvorene nakon što su njihovi vlasnici, velike multinacionalne kompanije, odlučile preseliti proizvodnju.

Translation into Italian of the article "Workers’ control at Fralib: the brand with the Elephant" published on roarmag, May 1, 2014

Controllo operaio alla Fralib

In Francia ci sono due casi di fabbriche recuperate occupate dai lavoratori nel corso della crisi attuale. Una è la fabbrica di gelati Pilpa, che ha appena avviato la produzione di gelati e yogurt biologici come società di proprietà dei lavoratori e gestita da essi dopo una lunga lotta. L’altra è la produttrice di tè Fralib. Entrambe erano state chiuse dalle loro gigantesche proprietarie multinazionali per delocalizzare la produzione.

When the big multinational Unilever shut down a tea processing plant in the south of France, the workers reacted immediately by occupying their factory.

Workers’ control at Fralib: the brand with the Elephant

In France there are two cases of recuperated factories occupied by workers during the current crisis. One is the Pilpa Ice Cream Factory, which just started producing organic ice cream and yoghurt as a worker-owned and administered company after a long-lasting struggle. The other is the Fralib Tea Factory. Both were closed by their huge multinational owners to relocate production.

Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy

They Can't Represent Us!

They Can't Represent Us!

How the new global movements are putting forward a radical conception of democracy.

“The movements documented in this volume succeeded in shutting cities down through tremendous shows of force. And when you shut down a city, you can actually stop capital accumulation … Until we start building a truly democratic society, we will continue to see our good ideas co-opted by capital.”

– from the foreword by David Harvey

Here is one of the first books to assert that mass protest movements in disparate places such as Greece, Argentina, and the United States share an agenda — to raise the question of what democracy should mean. These horizontalist movements, including Occupy, exercise and claim participatory democracy as the ground of revolutionary social change today.

Lo Stato delle Comuni: consigli comunali, comuni e democrazia operaia

Il carattere peculiare di quello che Hugo Chávez chiamava il processo Bolivariano sta nell’aver capito che la trasformazione sociale può essere costruita nei due sensi, “dall’alto” e “dal basso”.

Economía solidaria en Venezuela. Del apoyo al cooperativismo tradicional a la construcción de ciclos comunales.

Reprint: “Economía solidaria en Venezuela: Del apoyo al cooperativismo tradicional a la construcción de ciclos comunales.” A Economia Solidária na América Latina: realidades nacionais e políticas públicas. Sidney Lianza and Flávio Chedid Henriques (Editors). Rio de Janeiro: Pró Reitoria de Extensão UFRJ. 147-160.


Imagine a world without bosses

Imagine a world without bosses. This week we discuss examples of workers who run their own workplaces through workers control. Interviews with Alexis Adarfio, from the Workers’ University in Ciudad Guyana, Venezuela; Immanuel Ness, City University of New York, Brooklyn College; and Dario Azzelini, Johannes Kepler University in Austria.

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Direct Democracy Under Construction: A Conversation with Dario Azzellini

In this episode of Forms of Life, host Nato Thompson speaks with documentary filmmaker, writer and political scientist Dario Azzellini about community organizing and social movements.