Kalıcı barış için Öcalan modeli

  • Siyaset bilimci ve akademisyen Dario Azzellini, alternatif bir sosyalist model olarak ortaya çıkan Demokratik Konfederalizmin, ulus devletin ırkçı ayrıcalıklı etnik yapı oluşturma ayrışımın önüne geçeceğine dikkat çekiyor. 
  • Dario Azzellini: “Savaşın hüküm sürdüğü çok etnikli, çok dilli ve çok dinli bir bölgede Demokratik Konfederalizm modeli, alternatif bir toplumsal örgütlenme modeli olmanın ötesinde, kalıcı bir


3rd Labour Transfer School 2024 - Buggerru, Sardinia, Italy

Looking forward to meer everyone invited and singed up for the Labour Transfer School 2024!


Workers' struggles and capitalist strategies: Perspectives from Africa and South America in an age of 'sustainability'

Workshop organised by Centre on Labour, Sustainability and Global Production
17 and 18 June 2024 at Queen Mary University of London


June 17th
10.30 to 13.00: Structures of capital in agriculture, logistics and manufacturing in Africa and South America
15.00 to 17.30: Workers’ creativity, education and the co-production of knowledge of capital

June 18th
10.00 to 13.00: Contours of strategy and struggle from below
14:00: Walking tour by Edward Legon and Jack Sargeant


Who are the Experts? Co-Research with workers and communities - Masterclass at the CLaSP London

Please join us for a Masterclass on Co-researching methods with workers and communities with Dario Azzellini, Autonomous University of Zacatecas, Mexico. The masterclass will be held on the 13th of June between 3.00 to 5.00 pm in Queens QB-213, in Mile End Campus, Queen Mary University of London.


Sustainable Work and Just Transition - Masterclass at the CLaSP London

Please join us for a Masterclass on Sustainable Work and Just Transition with Dario Azzellini, Autonomous University of Zacatecas, Mexico. The masterclass will be held on the 11th of June between 3 and 5pm in the Graduate Center building, room GC201, in Mile End Campus.

Interview mit Dario Azzellini, 33 min.

Mit Genossenschaften zum Ökosozialismus – Perspektiven

Mit Genossenschaften zum Ökosozialismus – Perspektiven / Radio Corax

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Audiomitschnitt der Veranstaltung vom 15.5.2024, 41 min.

Azzellini und IDA: Rätedemokratie und Arbeitszeitrechnung

Audiomitschnitt Azzellini und IDA (Initiative Demokratische Arbeitszeitrechnung)

Am 15.5.2024 hatten wir Dario Azzellini in Berlin zu Gast und haben mit ihm über Rätedemokratie und Arbeitszeitrechnung gesprochen. Wir teilen mit euch hier den Audiomitschnitt der Veranstaltung. 

41 min.


Sustainable work and Just transition: a global challenge

8.5.2024, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 12:45-13:45, Catholic University of Louvain.
Conférence D. Azzellini Sustainable work and Just transition: a global challenge

24 hours of conversations around the 75 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 9 - 10.12.23. Online

3rd Night of Global Social Rights Part 10: Labor Rights

3rd Night of Global Social Rights

Part 10: Labor Rights

Coordinators: Julian Lattimore RLS, New York

- Dario Azzellini Labor Notes, NYC

- Michelle Zhong Mei Chen Institue on Research Labour Employment - UCLA, Los Angeles

- Alex Press Writer at Jacobin who covers labor organizing NY


Working-Class Environmentalism


Working-Class Environmentalism

The Toolkit for Sustainable Work

When asked to imagine what sustainable work would look like, people envision different possibilities, as shown by this sample of participants in the Allied Grounds conference.