İşçi Denetimi ve İşyeri Demokrasisi
Emeğin Alternatif Tarihi
Konsey komünizmi, anarko-sendikalizm, İtalyan operaismo’su ve diğer “heretik” sol akımlar yoluyla Paris Komünü hakkındaki yazılarını izleyen “Emeğin Alternatif Tarihi”, şimdiye kadar görmezden gelinen tarihsel ve çağdaş otonom işçi hareketlerinin uygulama ve amaçlarını açığa çıkarmaktadır. Bu kitap, işçilerin işyerlerinde süreklilik ve öngörülebilirliği sağlayarak katılımcı demokrasinin anlatımı üzerinden kendi topluluklarını stabilize edebileceğini göstermektedir.
Workers Control From the Commune to the Present
Ours To Master and To Own
From the dawning of the industrial epoch, wage earners have organized themselves into unions, fought bitter strikes, and gone so far as to challenge the very premises of the sytem by creating institutions of democratic self-management aimed at controlling production without bosses. With specific examples drawn from every corner of the globe and every period of modern history, this pathbreaking volume comprehensively traces this often underappreciated historical tradition.
Rätedemokratie: Alternative zu Parlament und Kapitalismus?
Dario Azzellini
Welche Alternativen von demokratischer Selbstorganisierung der Gesellschaft jenseits des Parlaments und des Kapitalismus können wir uns vorstellen? Ist das Modell einer selbstverwalteten Rätedemokratie dafür tauglich? In dieser Podiumsveranstaltung stellen Autor und Filmemacher Dario Azzelini und marx21-Koordinierungskreismitglied Stefan Bornost ihre Überlegungen hierzu vor.
Building 21st Century Socialism from Below
Communes and Workers' Control in Venezuela
In Communes and Workers' Control in Venezuela: Building 21st Century Socialism from Below, Dario Azzellini offers an account of the Bolivarian Revolution from below. While authors on Venezuela commonly concentrate on former president Hugo Chávez and government politics, this book shows how workers, peasants and the poor in urban communities engage in building 21st century socialism through popular movements, communal councils, communes and fighting for workers' control.
Worker Control and Workplace Democracy. An Alternative Labour History
Over the past 135 years, in all kinds of historical situations and during various political and economic crises and in different political systems, workers have taken control of their workplaces. Yet this story of workers self-administered production is rarely told. Capitalists, bourgeois governments and administrators of systems based on the exploitation of workers usually have little interest in disseminating the history of self-organized workers; those who have successfully run factories without bosses.
Occupy, Resist, Produce - RiMaflow
Die Maflow-Fabrik in Trezzano sul Naviglio, angesiedelt im Industriegebiet von Mailand, war Teil des italienischen transnationalen Autoteilherstellers Maflow, eines der wichtigsten Produzenten von Klimaanlagenrohren weltweit. Von den Folgen der Krise verschont und mit ausreichend Auftraggebern, um die Produktion aufrecht zu halten, wurde Maflow 2009 aufgrund betrügerischer Insolvenz geschlossen. Die ArbeiterInnen der Fabrik in Mailand, Maflows Hauptproduktionsstandort, begannen einen Kampf, um die Fabrik wiederzueröffnen und ihre Stellen zu behalten.
Вернуть себе фабрику: рабочий контроль при нынешнем кризисе
An Alternative Labour History: Worker Control and Workplace Democracy: chapter 2 in Russian

Перед вами отрывок из новой книги Дарио Аццелини «Альтернативная история труда: рабочий контроль и демократия на предприятии», недавно опубликованной издательством Zed.
Worker Control and Workplace Democracy
An Alternative Labour History
Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy
They Can't Represent Us!
How the new global movements are putting forward a radical conception of democracy.
“The movements documented in this volume succeeded in shutting cities down through tremendous shows of force. And when you shut down a city, you can actually stop capital accumulation … Until we start building a truly democratic society, we will continue to see our good ideas co-opted by capital.”
– from the foreword by David Harvey
Here is one of the first books to assert that mass protest movements in disparate places such as Greece, Argentina, and the United States share an agenda — to raise the question of what democracy should mean. These horizontalist movements, including Occupy, exercise and claim participatory democracy as the ground of revolutionary social change today.