Implementing social commons

- The centrality of economic and social rights
German Jaraiz Arroyo, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla
- The centrality of culture for social commons
Julie Ward, MEP
- Practical implications of adopting a commoning approach to social protection – options for activism and policy development
Labour: Dario Azzelini
Gender: Elisabetta Cangelosi
Land and food: Sandeep Chachra
Care: Anna Coote
Health (tbc), housing (tbc), democracy (Rojava), and others…
- Concluding remarks on strategizing and alliances, on concrete steps for strengthening social protection and sustainability, with commoning and sharing for society, the environment and the economy
Francine Mestrum, Meena Menon,Roberto Morea, Anna Coote, Shalmali Guttal
Facilitation: Kris Vanslambrouck and Lidy Nacpil
Asia-Europe People’s Forum and transform! invite
Our Common Social Future / 8 juni - 10 juni 2018
Commoning and sharing for society, the environment and the economy. A programme for a democratic, participatory and transformative social protection.
Social justice is at the centre of all our concerns and of all our efforts to work for another world. Democracy is not possible if people do not have the feeling they have equal worth, they can have their voices heard, they can take part in decision-making with the same capacities as all others. It is not just about formal equality but about real equality through social and economic citizenship and just taxes in order to fight inequality. This is even more important since the level of inequality continues to grow.
Co-organisers of the Conference: transform! europe / Asia Europe People’s Forum (AEPF) Social Justice Cluster / Global Social Justice / Institute for Political Ecology / Fundació l’alternativa / Barcelona en Comù / Fighting Inequality Alliance / Tax Justice Alliance Asia / Asean Parliamentarians for Human Rights / UGT (Union General de Trabajadores) / CCOO (Comisiones Obreras) / Network for Transformative Social Protection
Dario Azzellini on the commons at the Asia Europe People's Forum, June
2018, Barcelona
Comisiones Obreras | Via Laietana 16 08003 | Barcelona | Catalunya