

Webinar: Commons vs. "Normality". Global Capitalism, Commodity Chains and Migration after Covid-19

Commons vs. "Normality". Global Capitalism, Commodity Chains and Migration after Covid-19

8 June 2020 / 15:00 (CET) / Via Zoom 


Dario Azzellini, visiting scholar Latin American Studies Program, Cornell University, Ithaca (US), academic and activist. He has published more than 20 books, numerous other writings and 11 documentary films in the areas of critical labour studies and global social change with a special focus on Latin America and Europe.


Implementing social commons


- The centrality of economic and social rights

German Jaraiz Arroyo, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla

- The centrality of culture for social commons

Julie Ward, MEP

- Practical implications of adopting a commoning approach to social protection – options for activism and policy development

Labour: Dario Azzelini

Gender: Elisabetta Cangelosi


Workplace Takeovers for Self-Management in Europe: Comparative Case Studies in France, Greece and Italy


The Eastern Conference for Workplace Democracy (ECWD): Contemporary Crisis, Recuperated Workplaces and Self-Management

June 11, 2017 11:40 am – 1:10 pm


Left Forum, The Resistance: Cooperatives - path to a different society or alternative business model? Chances and risks of workers' self-management in capitalism



SUNDAY June 4th Session 6: 12:00pm - 1:50pm


Coloquio internacional “Escenarios actuales de los gobiernos progresistas en América Latina, ¿fin de ciclo?.

Benemérita universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades "Alfonso Vélez Pliego"
Posgrado en Sociología • CA195 Sociología Política y del Desarrollo


Dario Azzellini: Labour as a Commons: The Example of Worker-Recuperated Companies

International Development Studies Visiting Speakers Program


“Democracy and the Commons: How Communities Around the World Are Taking Control of their Work, their Neighbourhoods and their Lives.”

A free public lecture and video screening

Dario Azzellini is an Italian/German scholar, author, filmmaker and political activist who lives in Berlin and is an assistant professor at Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria. He holds a PhD in political science from the Goethe University in Frankfurt (Germany) and a PhD in sociology from the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (Mexico).

(co)Author of:


Marx is Muss. Rätedemokratie: Alternative zu Parlament und Kapitalismus?


Welche Alternativen von demokratischer Selbstorganisierung der Gesellschaft jenseits des Parlaments und des Kapitalismus können wir uns vorstellen? Ist das Modell einer selbstverwalteten Rätedemokratie dafür tauglich? In dieser Podiumsveranstaltung stellen Sozialwissenschaftler Alex Demirovic, Autor und Filmemacher Dario Azzelini und marx21-Koordinierungskreismitglied Stefan Bornost ihre Überlegungen hierzu vor.


Production and Commons

Commons is determined by the wish of stakeholders to govern a resource together, a principle which contests property rights on this resource. Nevertheless, the term resource is misleading, since the commons depends on activity, on using and taking care, agreeing on rules and finding systems to regulate use and access in order to create a sustainable common. Therefore, there is no commons without commoning (Linebaugh 2008).