2/24 Nuevo libro: economia política global del trabajo; transición justa y más

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Febrero 2024 - Newsletter Dario Azzellini en castellano: 5.836 subscriptorxs, 3-4 x año

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1. Libros nuevos y reportes de investigación (inglés, portugués, alemán):

Atzeni, Maurizio, Dario Azzellini, Alessandra Mezzadri, Phoebe Moore, Ursula Apitzsch (eds.). 2023. Handbook of Research on the Global Political Economy of Work. UK, E-Elgar EE.

Azzellini, Dario. 2023. Sustainable Work and Just Transition: Policies and labour movement actors in France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Norway, Spain, Poland, Colombia, Mexico and the Philippines. Rosa Luxemburg Foundatino Geneva. 121 pp.

Azzellini, Dario. 2023. O movimento autogestionário mundial: uma perspectiva marxista. Brasil: Lutas Anticapital.

2. Artículos académicos en revistas y libros (inglés, alemán)

3. Audios/Videos (inglés)

4. Entrevistas y artículos periodísticos (inglés, alemán)


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¡Buenos días!

El mundo es un desastre... y yo que ya pensaba el año pasado que dificilemnte se puede volver mucho peor... 

Aquí va mi newsletter.


¡Por fín salió!:

Atzeni, Maurizio; Azzellini, Dario; Mezzadri, Alessandra; Moore, Phoebe; Apitzsch, Ursula (Eds.). 2023. Handbook of Research on the Global Political Economy of Work. Cheltenham, UK / Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing. 702 pp.

‘This is a much needed Handbook that adds value to the growing literature on the global political economy of work. Its strength lies in the collection of works that, using critical perspectives, puts labor at the center of various interdisciplinary analyses. Offering a comprehensive view—theoretically, geographically, and in terms of work sectors—this bookcollection challenges Eurocentrism in labor studies and highlights how the workings of the world economy can have significant negative impacts on the peoples in the Global South.’

– Intan Suwandi, Illinois State University, US


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Más en el punto 1



Entre el 30 de enero y el 6 de febrero 2024 estoy disponible para charlas/conferencisa en Alemania.

Entre el 7 y el 15 de febrero estaré dando conferencias en Alemania. Todavía hay fechas disponibles. Conactenme en caso de interés.

En caso de interés de organizar presentaciones en otroso países, contactenme pro favor. En EEUU hay más flexibilidad.

Posibles témas:

- Presentación "Handbook of Research on the Global Political Economy of Work"

- Trabajo sustentable y transición justa

- Empresas recuperadas por sus trabajadorxs (global u America Latina u Europa)


Labour Transfer Summer School en Cerdeña!

Del 15 al 20 de junio de 2024, celebraremos la tercera edición de la “Escuela de Verano de Transferencia Laboral: Estableciendo vínculos entre la investigación y el activismo laboral” en Buggerru, Cerdeña, Italia. "Nosotros” somos algunos de los editorxs y autorxs del “Handbook of Research on the Global Political Economy of Work”. La Escuela de Verano de Transferencia Laboral (LabourTransfer) es una iniciativa internacional independiente sin fines de lucro de investigadorxs globales del trabajo interesados en colaboraciones, sinergias e intercambio de conocimientos entre la academia y organizaciones sociales con el objetivo de producir conocimiento emancipador sobre cuestiones laborales y sociales. LabourTransfer brinda a los estudiantes y participantes la oportunidad de intercambiar sus intereses de investigación con académicos, activistas laborales y sindicalistas de todo el mundo.


Mi reporte sobre trabajo sustentable y transición justa para la Fundación Rosa Luxemburgo está listo y puede ser descargado sin costo:

Azzellini, Dario. 2023. Sustainable Work and Just Transition: Policies and labour movement actors in France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Norway, Spain, Poland, Colombia, Mexico and the Philippines. https://bitly.ws/WqWG

Más en el punto 1


Saludos soidarios y los mejores deseos, felices fiestas y un buen año nuevo!



1. Libros nuevos y reportes de investigación (inglés, portugués, alemán):

Out now!!

Atzeni, Maurizio, Dario Azzellini, Alessandra Mezzadri, Phoebe Moore, Ursula Apitzsch. 2023. Handbook of Research on the Global Political Economy of Work. UK, E-Elgar

"This ground-breaking Handbook broadens empirical and theoretical understandings of work, work relations, and workers. It advances a global, intersectional labour studies agenda, laying the foundations for the politically emancipatory project of decolonising the political economy of work. Moving beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries, this Handbook provides a comprehensive account of the relations between different forms of work, exploitation, class configuration and worker resistance. With insights from global experts across the social sciences, it examines changes in technology, geographies of production, and the dynamics of the global capitalist political economy to map modern configurations of work. Using ongoing empirical qualitative research, contributors explore key issues such as capital accumulation, migration, digital work, trade unionism and reproductive labour. There is a particular focus on perspectives from the Global South, with in-depth analyses of class and work in countries and regional economic blocs used to explore the dynamics between the local and the global."



Miren también en researchgate bajo mi nombre....


Azzellini, Dario. 2023. Sustainable Work and Just Transition: Policies and labour movement actors in France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Norway, Spain, Poland, Colombia, Mexico and the Philippines. Rosa Luxemburg Foundation: Geneva

Scientists agree that what is done by governments is by far not enough to halt global warming, climate change and mass extinction, much less to reverse it. Not even the measures planned are sufficient if ever enacted. The present report offers eight country case studies looking at the policies and discourses regarding work in the socioecological transition and labour organizations, social movements and environmental movements eventually forging alliances for sustainable work and a just transition.



Free download at: https://bitly.ws/WqWG


Atzeni, Maurizio, Dario Azzellini, Alessandra Mezzadri, Phoebe Moore, Ursula Apitzsch. 2023. Handbook of Research on the Global Political Economy of Work. UK, E-Elgar EE.

"This ground-breaking Handbook broadens empirical and theoretical understandings of work, work relations, and workers. It advances a global, intersectional labour studies agenda, laying the foundations for the politically emancipatory project of decolonising the political economy of work. Moving beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries, this Handbook provides a comprehensive account of the relations between different forms of work, exploitation, class configuration and worker resistance. With insights from global experts across the social sciences, it examines changes in technology, geographies of production, and the dynamics of the global capitalist political economy to map modern configurations of work. Using ongoing empirical qualitative research, contributors explore key issues such as capital accumulation, migration, digital work, trade unionism and reproductive labour. There is a particular focus on perspectives from the Global South, with in-depth analyses of class and work in countries and regional economic blocs used to explore the dynamics between the local and the global."




Azzellini, Dario. 2023. O movimento autogestionário mundial: uma perspectiva marxista. Brasil: Lutas Anticapital.

A presente obra de Dario Azzellini demonstra, com um extenso levantamento de experiências em diversos países e continentes, que existem elementos de continuidade entre as atuais fábricas recuperadas e o “legado” dos movimentos pretéritos de lutas autônomas e autogestionárias do movimento operário. Ao mesmo tempo, nas condições atuais do capitalismo e da luta de classes, Dario Azzellini atualiza a estratégia associativista e autogestionária, trazendo a tona importantes contribuições políticas para o projeto de emancipação da classe trabalhadora, pensando a força de trabalho como bem comum, produtor de valores de uso, e a perspectiva comunal, que articula produção e reprodução material com a organização social. Fruto de uma pesquisa extensa, de abrangência mundial, a presente obra deve se tornar referência obrigatória para todos que lutam pela superação do capital, da exploração econômica e da opressão política. Mauricio Sardá de Faria / UFRPE





2. Artículos académicos en revistas y libros (inglés, alemán)

Azzellini, Dario. 2023. "Commune socialism: self-management, popular power and autonomy in Venezuela". In From Extractivism to Sustainability: Scenarios and Lessons from Latin America, edited by Henry Veltmeyer, Arturo Ezquerro-Cañete. (1st ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003301981

In this chapter, the author analyses the dynamics of a broad movement to construct an alternative ‘social and solidarity’ form of society based on co-operativism, autonomism and worker self-management, and local community-based development within the context of popular power (poder popular) and the institution of Communal Councils, which was constructed ‘from below’ within civil society, although the leading role of these councils in the social transformation that has taken place in Venezuela over the past decade, and their revolutionary form (autonomous bodies of popular power), owes much to state support. This chapter elaborates this point, but he also argues out that the State has also an inherent tendency to inhibit the development of autonomous structures and tends to control and subordinate social processes. This contradiction, the author argues, in the case of Venezuela became increasingly accentuated the more communities developed the structures of self-government.




Azzellini, Dario, Sebastian Brandl und Ingo Matuschek. 2023. "Nationale Perspektiven auf Nachhaltige Arbeit und Inwertsetzungen von Arbeit in Europa". In Nachhaltig Werte schaffen? Arbeit und Technik in der sozial-ökologischen Transformation, herausgegeben vom Thomas Barth, Melanie Jaeger-Erben, Georg Jochum und Stephan Lorenz. Series Arbeitsgesellschaft im Wandel. 100-116. Weinheim: Beltz / Juventa.

Die gegenwärtigen Organisationsformen von Arbeit sind vielfach nicht nachhaltig. Arbeit als zugleich wertschaffende und wertzerstörende Tätigkeit droht somit die Grundlagen zukünftigen Arbeitens und Lebens zu untergraben. Mit dem Band wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie sich auf nachhaltige Weise Werte schaffen lassen, wobei das Zusammenspiel von Arbeit, Nachhaltigkeit, Werten und den genutzten Technologien im Vordergrund steht: Unter welchen Bedingungen und mithilfe welcher Technologien können die Naturverhältnisse nachhaltig gestaltet werden und welche Hindernisse bestehen dabei?





3. Audios/Videos (inglés)

Azzellini, Dario. Sustainable Work. Video talk is based on the following article: Optimizing or Abolishing Capitalism? Sustainable Work and Just Transition Rather than Labor Society and Climate Catastrophe. Video, 16.10.23. Berliner Gazette, Allied Grounds Conference 2023.

Workers of all stripes and their communities potentially have an existential interest in sustainable, non-polluting production. And they are also the ones who will bear the brunt of a social-ecological transformation. Therefore, if workers do not take a central role in defining and practicing the transformation, it will not happen, as the social scientist Dario Azzellini argues in his “Allied Grounds” video talk.




Dario Azzellini, Lorenzo Feltrin and Brett Neilson. Politics of Translation: Preparing the Ground for New Alliances. Audio, 11.10.2023. Berliner Gazette, Allied Grounds Conference 2023.

In contemporary capitalism, workers are increasingly fragmented and divided, along the lines, for example, of productive and reproductive labor, wage and unpaid labor. Yet they could realize their common interests not least by confronting the capitalist threat to their social and ecological environment and to their collective capacity to create a life worth living. This requires translation not only between different languages, but also between different cultural, social, economic, political and, not least, class contexts. The final panel of the “Allied Grounds” conference, “Politics of Translation,” addressed these issues. Moderated by Anna Saave, Dario Azzellini, Lorenzo Feltrin, and Brett Neilson gave talks at the House of Democracy and Human Rights, which can be listened to by clicking on the play button below.

More information about the “Allied Grounds” project can be found here: berlinergazette.de/projects/allied-grounds/




Dario Azzellini, interview with Kevin Gustafson and Cinar Akcin, All Things Co-op: People Power - Imagining a World without Bosses, podcast audio by Democracy at Work, March 14, 2023.

In this episode of All Things Co-op, Kevin Gustafson and Cinar Akcin speak with sociologist, political scientist, author and documentary filmmaker Dario Azzellini. They discuss recuperated workplaces—workplaces that have been abandoned by private capitalist owners and taken over by workers and reorganized to be democratically controlled—and why the process of engaging in struggle with fellow workers builds an enduring ecosystem of trust. They also explore critiques of the Mondragon corporation, why co-ops should be rooted in community and social movements, the dangers of co-op owners identifying as entrepreneurs, the long history of worker struggles around the world, and more.






Wir übernehmen! Betriebsbesetzungen und Arbeiter*innenkontrolle in Lateinamerika und Europa. Berlin 26.06.2023. Organisiert von der Initiative demokratische Arbeitszeitrechnung (IDA)

Dario Azzellini, Universität Zacazecas (Mexiko), bietet einen Überblick und spricht auch darüber, wie Kooperationsnetzwerke aussehen können.

Eine bessere Gesellschaft würde sich nicht zuletzt dadurch auszeichnen, dass die Produzent*innen über ihr Produkt verfügen, anstatt für den Wohlstand anderer zu schuften. Ein erster Schritt dahin wird die Übernahme der Produktionsmittel sein. Sei es durch die Gründung selbstverwalteter Genossenschaften oder die Besetzung von Betrieben und Fortführung unter Arbeiter*innenkontrolle: Insbesondere in Lateinamerika, aber auch in Europa, gibt es viele vergangene und aktuelle Beispiele, wie die Übernahme gelingen kann.




4. Entrevistas y artículos periodísticos (inglés, alemán)

Berliner Gazette, Allied Grounds. Working-Class Environmentalism. Workshop Projects 1999 - 2023.

"Ecological transition from below: But a specter is haunting the globe… and its name is working-class environmentalism, with its sinister “ecological transition from below. Get ready! (...). Working-class environmentalism is a fantastic animal. It has countless heads with eyes of different shapes and skins of many colors, clawed paws to cling to the ground, and wings to fly beyond our current reality of alienation and greenwashing. It is not a chimera, however. In different parts of the world, people are struggling for sustainable work beyond capitalism. These struggles are led by workers in the broadest sense, not just factory workers, but also the unemployed, unpaid and paid reproductive workers, subordinated intellectual workers, etc. (...) If you are tired of the dull best practices of “green” capitalism, why not try the beastly practices of working-class environmentalism? There are no set guidelines, just wild lines, which you can find below in the archive of working-class environmentalist experience and the map of characteristics of sustainable work. The map and archive are far from exhaustive, but they cover different sectors and countries, reflecting a broad understanding of the working class and the possibilities for rolling back the ecological crisis. End of the world, end of the month, same struggle!"

The ‘Working-Class Environmentalism’ workshop consisted of: Alistair Alexander, Dario Azzellini, Lorenzo Feltrin, Francesca Gabbriellini, Nelli Kambouri, Gorana Mlinarevic, Jaron Rowan, Sotiris Sideris.





Azzellini, Dario. 2023. Optimizing or Abolishing Capitalism? Sustainable Work and Just Transition Rather than Labor Society and Climate Catastrophe. Berliner Gazette, 19.06.23

Workers and related communities are potentially the only ones who have a real interest in sustainable and non-polluting production – and thus in overcoming labor society as we know it. And they are also the ones who will have to bear the brunt of the socio-ecological transformation. If they do not take the central role in defining and practicing the transformation, no such transformation will take place, as social scientist Dario Azzellini argues in his contribution to the BG text series “Allied Grounds.” There is a scientific consensus on the need to keep the global temperature increase below 1.5 degrees Celsius. There is no room to negotiate with nature. Government documents say that it will take a change in the prevailing patterns of consumption and production. But they avoid talking about work, let alone questioning work or unpaid work and linking it to the climate crisis. When people talk about work, they usually promise “green jobs” in a “green economy.” Both concepts do not question the capitalist model of production and are based on the idea of “green growth.” The quality of work does not play a role here, beyond statements of intent. As studies in various European countries show, “green jobs” are largely low-skilled, the majority are precarious and poorly paid, and about 70% of them are held by men. The question of class is also largely absent. Thus, the question of who is responsible for the most emissions and consumption of resources, and who will pay for the socio-ecological transformation, is lost.

This article is a contribution to the Berliner Gazette’s “Allied Grounds” text series; the German version can be found here. For more content, visit the “Allied Grounds” website. Take a look: https://berlinergazette.de/projects/allied-grounds/




Dario Azzellini

www.azzellini.net                www.workerscontrol.net