All english articles

Venezuela With and Beyond Chavez

“Chávez was one of us”, say the poor from the barrios in Caracas, the people throughout Latin America, and Bronx residents together with probably two million poor people in the US, who now have free heating thanks to the Chávez government. Sean Penn said on Chávez: “Today the people of the United States lost a friend it never knew it had. And poor people around the world lost a champion.” These are sad days.

The Center for Place, Culture and Politics at the CUNY Graduate Center Presents:

Ours to Master and to Own: Workers' Control from the Commune to the Present, a conversation with Immanuel Ness and Dario Azzellini


ECONOMY - Glasgow

In the 21st century the economy has come to provide the ground zero of our sense of self. But what does this experience of a life dominated by economic relations feel or even look like?


ECONOMY - Edinburgh

In the 21st century the economy has come to provide the ground zero of our sense of self. But what does this experience of a life dominated by economic relations feel or even look like?

From Cooperatives to Enterprises of Direct Social Property in the Venezuelan Process

From Cooperatives to Enterprises of Direct Social Property in the Venezuelan Process

This book presents the cooperative economy as a viable alternative to the neoliberal capitalist and authoritarian socialist models currently in use around the world. The authors contend that the cooperative model is based on principles essential to building a more just and equitable society. The democratic decision making process is indispensable for advancing towards a society that can better fulfil material and spiritual needs, helping to motivate workers and promoting solidarity.


The Community and the Commune

Historical Materialism 2012
Ninth Annual Conference (8-11 November, SOAS, London)

Weighs Like a Nightmare

Sunday 14.30-16.15  Room: KLT

Grounding the “New” Movements

Chair: Paul Reynolds

David Harvie, Emma Dowling, Keir Milburn, Gareth Brown – Careless Talk: Social Reproduction and Fault-lines of the Crisis in the UK

Massino DeAngelis – How to Change the World? Commons, Movements, and Revolutions

Dario Azzellini – The Community and the Commune


The Presidential Elections in Venzuela

Historical Materialism 2012
Ninth Annual Conference (8-11 November, SOAS, London)

Weighs Like a Nightmare
Sunday 12.00-13.45  Room G50

2012 Venezuelan Elections and the Future of the Bolivarian Process

Chair: Jeffery Webber

Dario Azzellini – The Presidential Elections in Venzuela

Stephanie Pearce – Hugo Chávez’s Presidency and Anti-Imperialist Struggle in Latin America & the Caribbean

Sara Motta – The Women of the Bolivarian Revolution: Creating Voice and Strategic Silence


"Private military contractors and mercenaries: The privatization of war in Latin America"

Intercontinental Conference

'Peace, Disarmament and Social - Alternatives to Global NATO'

Agenda - Deutsche Welle in English

Dario Azzellini about Venezuelan presidential elections

In this edition Chavez celebrates victory but where does Venezuela go from here? Currency woes trigger unrest in Iran but is the regime threatened? And two billion over 60s by 2050, is the world ready?
Chavez Victory - Socialist Revolution Rolling On?

Guest: Dario Azzellini, Political Scientist, University of Linz, Austria


Forum on Venezuela's 2012 Presidential Election



Occupying Language: A Conversation with Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini

An Invitation to a Global Conversation
(Excerpt from the introduction)

    Occupying Language is an open conversation. Through it, we invite you to join us to explore insurgent movements that have been organizing in Latin America over the past twenty years, and to connect key concepts and language from those struggles with what is new and beautiful in the social relations being created by people’s movements in the United States today.


Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini present "Occupying Language"

An Invitation to a Global Conversation
(Excerpt from the introduction)

Conference in Chicago, USA, 24.3.2011

Communal socialism in Venezuela

Videos of the conference with Dario Azzellini about communal socialism in Venezuela hold at the Consulate of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela of Chicago, on March the 24th 2011.

This event was the occasion to watch Comuna under construction (94 min., 2011), a film about local self government in Venezuela by Dario Azzellini & Oliver Ressler, followed by a discussion in English/Spanish in presence of the co-director Dario Azzellini and by the book presentation of El negocio de la guerra about Private Military Contractors an paramilitaries around the globe.

Pace University, NYC, USA - march 17th, 11:39 min

Dario Azzellini about Venezuela - Left Forum 2012

Panel: Social Movements, the State and the Question of Autonomy


"In, Against and Beyond the State" - Social Movements & Autonomy in Venezuela and Argentina

I have the pleasure to invite you to assist to

Social Movements & Autonomy in Venezuela and Argentina:

"In, Against and Beyond the State"

Occupying Language

Occupying Language

While the global Occupy movement is widely seen as unprecedented, its language and organizing practices are shaped and inspired by diverse historical precedents in the United States and around the world. Sitrin and Azzellini introduce the reader to the theory and practices of the movement and explore linkages and connections toward the dream of a common language of struggle, justice, democracy and liberation.

Workers’ Control

“Ours to Master and to Own - Workers’ Control from the Commune to the Present” edited by Immanuel Ness and Dario Azzellini

This excellent series of essays is essential reading for anti-capitalist activists and all those who know that we do not need our bosses.



TheCube Project Space is proud to present the third installment of the thematic exhibition Re-envisioning Society, featuring /Venezuela From Below/ with artists Oliver Ressler (Austria) and Dario Azzellini (Germany/Venezuela). This curatorial project aims at manifesting and reflecting on the characteristics of contemporary life, as well as individual or collective life experiences and their changes, in order to construct a new vision and imagination of the contemporary society we


Left Forum 2012

16.3.-18.3.2012, New York City, USA

Ours to Master and to Own: Workers Councils from the Commune to the Present Brecht Forum TV - October 17, 2011 - 02:19

Ours to Master and to Own: Workers Councils from the Commune to the Present
A book talk with Manny Ness, Dario Azzellini and Victor Wallis hold at The Brecht Forum October 17, 2011 - VIDEO NO LONGER AVAILABLE

Video of the Book Event for "Ours to Master and to Own", June 2011 - 1h18min

Book Event for "Ours to Master and to Own. Worker Control: From the Commune to the Present" - By Immanuel Ness & Dario Azzellini (Eds) hold in June, the 23rd 2011 at the Brooklyn College Graduate Center (CUNY) USA

With: Immanuel Ness

[Richard Müller: Der Mann hinter der Novemberrevolution]

Richard Müller: The Man behind the November Revolution

Richard Müller. The Man behind the November Revolution is the title of the
seventh volume of the hardcover book series History of Communism and Leftist
Socialism, edited by Berlin-based Dietz publishers. But who was Richard
Müller? Never heard of him? Today widely unknown, Müller was the leader of
the so-called Revolutionary Shop Stewards in the early twentieth century in
Germany. “From 1916 to 1921, Müller was without any doubt among the
politically most influential personalities in the German labor movement” (216).