I. International Congress Communal Democracy: "Community, popular power and self-government: practices to transform democracy"

I. International Congress Communal Democracy: "Community, popular power and self-government: practices to transform democracy"
Organized by: Peace with Dignity – Bakea Duintasunarekin / Parte Hartuz of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
In autumn 2021 (October 13-16), the First International Congress on Communal Democracy will be held in the town of Hernani (Basque Country). The aim of the Congress is to address concrete collective ideas and practices that question and seek to transform current models of democracy.
This Congress is organized by the association Peace with Dignity – Bakea Duintasunarekin linked to social movements and transformative dynamics, and by the research group in Social Sciences Parte Hartuz of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), which combines social and academic research of democratic transformation processes. The Congress seeks to analyze, both from theory and practice, processes and experiences where community, popular power, self-management, self-government, common values and collective participation are the basis for transformation. For this reason, it wants to be a space for reflection, debate and analysis for people and popular movements that work on communal and community social transformation.
Contact: demokrazia.komunala@ni.eus