COVID-19 Pandemisi ve Sınıf Mücadelesi

> COVID-19 Pandemisi ve Sınıf Mücadelesi
Dario Azzellini, Zacatecas Otonom Üniversitesi, Meksika
Pandémie de COVID-19 et lutte des classes

Pandémie de COVID-19 et lutte des classes
Dario Azzellini, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Mexique
La pandemia de COVID-19 y la lucha de clases

La pandemia de COVID-19 y la lucha de clases
por Dario Azzellini, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, México
The COVID-19 Pandemic and Class Struggle

Crises under capitalism tend to increase existing inequalities. This is also a consequence of the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Global labor income decreased by an estimated 10.7 % (or US$3.5 trillion) in the first nine months of 2020 compared to the previous year. Meanwhile, the total combined wealth of the more than 2,200 official billionaires worldwide grew from $9.5 trillion on December 31, 2019 to an estimated US$11.4 trillion a year later.
Global Dialogue, GD 12.1 - April 2022

Universities and science are undergoing far-reaching changes as a result of their marketization or quasi-marketization under neoliberal governance. In this issue of Global Dialogue we take up this topic in our section ‘Talking Sociology.’ Jill Blackmore has been studying the profound restructuring experienced by Australian universities over the last decades. In this interview she elaborates on these restructurings, the forces that drove them, and the effects they have on academic knowledge production and epistemic justice.
Interview mit Dario Azzelini
Genossenschaften – Arbeiterkontrolle oder Businessmodell?

Über transformative Kräfte der Selbstverwaltung und der Integrationskraft des Kapitalismus. Dritter Teil der siebenteiligen Serie über selbstverwaltete Betriebe in Europa.
Interview mit Dario Azzellini
System-Fehler des Kapitalismus als "Katastrophe" und Chance für globale Arbeiterkämpfe?

"System-Fehler des Kapitalismus als "Katastrophe" und Chance für globale Arbeiterkämpfe". So übertitelte die die Berliner Gazette Ende April diesen Jahres ihre Publikation mit dem Politikwissen-schaftler und Autor Dario Azzelini. Der Autor plädiert dafür, die Situation zu nutzen, um internationale Solidarität zu stärken und Kämpfe um radikale Veränderungen zu führen.
Dario Azzellini röportajı
Kapitalizmin “afeti” ve emek mücadelelerin olanağı

Dario Azzelini, siyaset bilimci, sosyolog ve belgesel film yöneticisidir. Eleştirel emek araştırmaları, işçi özyönetimi, işçilerin işgal fabrikaları gibi konularda çok sayıda çalışması ve kitabı vardır. “Emeğin Alternatif Tarihi”, “Bizi Temsil Edemezler”, “Latin Amerika ve Futbol” kitapları Türkçe’ye de çevrilmiştir. Otonom Marksist denilebilecek yaklaşımın başlıca temsilcilerindendir. Çevirdiğimiz yazı ve röportajlar, bunlardaki tüm görüşleri benimsediğimiz anlamına gelmiyor.
Interview hit Dario Azzellini
Capitalism’s System Error as “Disaster” and Opportunity for Labor Struggles

Workers’ struggles play a special role during the ‘corona crisis.’ They bring to light that overcoming this crisis will depend on how the systemic errors of capitalism are countered. In this SILENT WORKS Magdalena Taube and Krystian Woznicki ask scholar-activist Dario Azzellini: Will these errors just be corrected or will they provoke fundamental changes?