Consejos comunales
Vorwort von Dario Azzellini und offener Brief an Hugo Chávez von Santiago Arconada
"Die alte Art der Politik verschluckt uns" und "Der andere Dialog"
»Die alte Art der Politik verschluckt uns«
Vorwort von Dario Azzellini zum offenen Brief von Santiago Arconada:
Der andere Dialog – Offener Brief an den Präsidenten Hugo Chávez Frías
Comuna Under Construction
“We have to decide for ourselves what we want. We are the ones who know about our needs and what is happening in our community”, Omayra Peréz explains confidently. She wants to convince her community, located on the hillside of the poor districts of Caracas, to found a Consejo Comunal (community council). In more than 30.000 Consejos Comunales the Venezuelan inhabitants decide on their concerns collectively via assemblies. Omayra is supported by the activists of the nearby shantytown “Emiliano Hernández”, which has had a Consejo Comunal for three years already.